Saturday 17 October 2009

preliminary task script

Ryan : hi , you alright ?

Max : yeah good , you ?

Ryan : yeah not bad ,did you watch the game on saturday ?

Max : yeah it was awful !

Ryan : yeah

Wednesday 14 October 2009

180 degree mistake


This video shows us how very simple and easy it is to break the 180 degree rule . This footage was actually an accident we didn't realise in till we edited our footage that we had made a vital mistake in which we broke the 180 degree rule , so we decided to keep the footage and upload it on to our blogs so we could avoid the same mistakes .
preliminary task

This is our finished and edited preliminary task movie. The two actors are Max Levene : actor 1 and Ryan Howard : actor 2 , also in our group was Sam miller : camera man and claudia humps : director . Together we all edited the our footage as a group , we all focused very hard to point out silly and easy mistakes to make just like breaking the 180 degree rule .

Tuesday 13 October 2009



RELEASE DATE : 21 April 2000 (UK)
GENRE : comedy , music


RELEASE DATE : 1 December 2008 (USA)
GENRE : drama , crime , biography


RELEASE DATE : 22 May 2009 (UK)
GENRE : drama

This is the link to my opening title that i created using IMOVIE , i did this task to show i could create a movie title and add music to my short movie . it took me a while to get used to using the software but after a while of trial and error i got used to it . i started out by searching on goggle for images of Media , i came across one i liked of well known news papers and i drag and dropped it in to my i life project . I then set about the task of adding music to my project . i achieved this by taking a sample of gargeband and again draging it in , then came the task of adding the text and finally i used a fade in effect at the beginning .
max fine arts media,max preliminary task ........ this as you may well see is a ROUGH version of my animatic i created this animatic using a program called ADOBE IMAGE READY the pictures i used where from my story board for our preliminary task and it shows you the camera shots we used , however instead of just having a scanned image of it i wanted to try something different and i made my scanned storyboard image into an animatic .

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Shot Reverse Shot
Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character , and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. 

We can see that both characters stay the same side of the screen at all times during the conversation.

Monday 5 October 2009


This is a piece of text from the film the unborn , here we can see a classic part that often crops ups , in the genre of horror . they are usally set in a bathroom which gives us a very cold feeling as blue is a very common colour used in bathrooms. in this text taken from the film "the unborn" we can see the girl looking into the mirror , everything in the room is misty , dusty , cold and full of dark shadows again common techniques used in horror genres .

the most important part of this text is the boy in the mirror behind the girl , this is extremely common as it is a good fright for the audience and makes them jump out of there seats .


... This is the master shot and we can clearly see the lady who we will call A is on the right and the man called B is on the left ...
... from this over head we can see that the camera can only go on the side of the arrow , to keep A on the right and B on the left .....

.... here again the camera never crosses the line, however if u need to cross the line you can ! , by filming crossing it so the audience know you crossed it rather than jumping the line and confusing the audience ....
.... finally you can use shot reverse shot which is when you go backwards and forwards between two cameras , the diagram shows this technique...